Ph.D. 2001. Organismic Biology, Ecology, and Evolution. University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation: "Behavioral Ecology of Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) Feeding on Mysids in British Columbia, Canada" (supervised by W.M. Hamner)
M.Sc. 1997. Zoology. University of British Columbia
Thesis: “Drag and Energetics of Swimming in Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus)” (supervised by R.W. Blake & A.W. Trites). Graduated with First Class Marks
B.A. 1994. Marine Biology. University of California, Santa Cruz
Highest Honors in major. Honors for the Graduation Requirement
click on underlined titles to for article links
Hann, C.*; Stelle, L.L., Szabo, A., Torres, L.G. (2018) “Obstacles and Opportunities of Using a Mobile App for Marine Mammal Research”. International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(5):169.
Stelle, L.L. (2017) "Using citizen science to study the impact of vessel traffic on marine mammal populations". In J.A. Cigliano and H.L. Ballard (Ed.) Citizen Science for Coastal and Marine Conservation, Routledge Publisher
Stelle, L.L., King, M.* and Hann, C.* (2016) “Whale mAPP: Engaging Citizen Scientists to Contribute and Map Marine Mammal Sightings”. In Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions 2nd edition, ESRI Press, Redlands, CA.
Stelle, L.L., King, M.* (2015) “Whale mAPP: Citizen Scientists Contribute and Map Marine Mammal Sightings”. Chapter in Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions, ESRI Press, Redlands, CA.
Stelle, L.L. (2015) “GIS Makes Citizen Science More Accessible: How the General Public Can Regain the Thrill of Scientific Discovery” ArcNews (Esri); Vol. 27, No. 2.
Thompson, L.** and Stelle, L.L. (2014) “Prey Preference of the North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis) Evaluated According to Optimal Foraging Theory”. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 31(1): 14-28.
Kinzel, M., Stelle, L.L. 2014. “Pacific Cetaceans: Ecological Studies Mapped Using GIS”. Esri Spatial Labs Published Lesson.
Stelle, L.L. and Atkins, A.** (2012) “The Conservation Column: Gray Whale Migration” Sport Diver, UK.
Stelle, L.L., Megill, W.M. and Kinzel, M.R. (2008) “Activity Budgets and Diving Behavior of Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in Feeding Grounds off Coastal British Columbia”. Marine Mammal Science, 24(3): 462–478.
Stelle, L.L., Blake, R.W., and Trites, A.W. (2000) “Hydrodynamic Drag in Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus)”. Journal of Experimental Biology, 203: 1915-1923.
* - graduate student, ** - undergraduate student co-authors
BBC Natural World, 2017
“Supercharged Otters” – expert interview in documentary
OchTamale, March 2016, University of Redlands Alumni Magazine
"The Marine Biologist" - feature
OchTamale, Spring/Summer 2011, University of Redlands Alumni Magazine
“Biology Professor to Study Human Impacts on Whales” - feature
OchTamale, Summer 2009, University of Redlands Alumni Magazine
“Biology Professor Receives Faculty Enrichment Grant That Will Enrich Student Experience” - feature
ZooNooz, Winter 2006, quarterly publication of Seneca Park Zoo Society
“River Otters Return!” - feature
Democrat and Chronicle Newspaper, October 14, 2005
“Welcome Back, Otter: Signs Suggest Critters Thrive Here” – feature
WXXI Radio – NPR affiliate, October 6, 2005
“River Otters Make Comeback in Western New York” – radio feature
Imaging Connection, Fall, 2005, issue 12
“RIT Team Promotes the Return of Otters to Western New York” - feature
RIT News & Events, May 13, 2005
“Remote Sensing Used to Study Otters” - feature