At Life Aquatic Expeditions, we strive to provide opportunities to experience marine life from a new and up-close perspective. Our focus is on lifelong learning experiences with a goal to preserve and protect our ocean and its incredible inhabitants. Our expeditions aim to foster interactions that inspire passion and raise awareness for the home of all marine life.

Dr. Lei Lani Stelle is our team’s marine biologist. She has explored vast marine wildlife habitats including Baja, Palau, and Tonga. With over 20 years of experience in marine expeditions, Lei Lani will be your expert in all things marine life, and she is thrilled to share her knowledge with you.

Shane Keena, MFA, is our team’s photographer. His award winning wildlife photography includes marine life from his travel expeditions to places such as Baja, Palau, and Tonga. Shane is excited to photograph your experience and teach you about wildlife photography on your expedition.